A man from u.n.c.l.e movie story

 A Russian spy trying to stop a girl from east berlin from moving to west berlin with an American spy to stop her father from making an atomic bomb to a naze group called vinchiguerra who is from italy they suspected that this group has moved the naze gold to south america the company works as a shipping company in front of public. 
The Russian spy failed to stop them as the american spy took the german girl to west berlin but after that the Russian and the American agencies corporated to stop vinchiguerra from making an atomic bomb and they went to italy.

her uncle rody is working for them so but he is suspecting they her fiance is a spy so he tried to uncover him by many ways but he failed .

The Russian spy and the german girl are acting as they are engaged to get close to her uncle rody who is just a cover for vinchiguerra .
But the nazi group knew every thing about the spies and her uncle knew after she told vinchiguerra about the amrrican and the Russian spies to get close to her father and she was working for the british agency for a long time but working undercovered .

But at the last they failed the naze group project and the three agencies decided to make a group called u.n.c.l.e in case of a future attacks .

Their next movie (if they will make it ) will be in Istanbul i think it will be a great movie like this one but if they are trying to make a better movie i think that they should make a better graphics as this movie have some lacks (a movie about the past does not mean to use graphics from the past also).